Fighting for Medicaid Expansion: NAMI’s Florida Mental Health Advocacy Coalition (FMHAC) joins Health Care for Florida Coalition
With many of our daily routines gone in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be difficult for some individuals to cope with the new normal. According to the CDC, social distancing can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness that can increases chances of or worsen anxiety and depression. This is why it is important now more than ever for individuals have access to resources they need to support and treat their mental health, especially in the most severe cases. Advocating for Medicaid expansion is one way to ensure the availability of these resources for all.
Florida Mental Health Advocacy Coalition (FMHAC) is a statewide organization that functions as an advocacy component of NAMI Florida in collaboration with Mental Health America. One of the main initiatives FMHAC takes is to promote Medicaid expansion, believing that the impact of expansion can allow currently unserved low-income adults to receive healthcare and eliminate the limited, lengthy and difficult process uninsured adults face to receive potential Medicaid healthcare. Recently FMHAC has joined the Health Care for Florida Coalition to further and strengthen advocacy efforts to improve the lives of those with mental illness and demonstrate to legislators just how important access to mental health resources is.
You as well can help with spreading this message to Florida legislators. NAMI Smarts for Advocacy is offering training in the NAMI Tallahassee sector! By joining our advocacy efforts, you can help promote Medicaid expansion and ensure a future where everyone gets the opportunity for recovery and support.
Please contact us at if you are interested