CIT Training

Another Tallahassee Florida Law Enforcement Class NOW Crisis Intervention Team Trained!
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training for Law Enforcement:
Crisis Intervention Teams create an effective law enforcement response to mental health emergencies. Specialized training leading to CIT certification is a 40-hour program that includes tours of local receiving hospitals, information about mental illnesses, an introduction to local mental health resources and scenario based exercises in verbal de-escalation of mental health emergencies. The CIT program is patterned after the national model originating in Memphis, Tennessee.
Significant goals for a Crisis Intervention Team are improved by physical safety for both police officers and persons experiencing a crisis and diversion from the criminal justice system into a more appropriate system of medical care.
NAMI-Tallahassee, in partnership with the Tallahassee Police Department and the Leon County Office of Court Administration, has sponsored the initial training of over 900 law enforcement officers, corrections and probation officers, and police dispatchers from twelve criminal justice agencies in Leon and surrounding counties. CIT is a community partnership that has been in place in Leon County since 2004.
Thank you to Magellan Complete Care for their assistance in underwriting the cost of this program and the Florida Sheriff’s Association and Apalachee Center for providing classroom space.
Thank you to the Florida Sheriffs’ Association and Apalachee Center for providing classroom space.
CIT Questions?
For any questions or inquires into CIT training, please email