NAMI Tallahassee’s highest award, the Iris Award recognizes individuals whose actions sustain the courage, hope and vision of individuals and their families coping with mental illness. We do not bestow it lightly nor on a regular basis.
Vincent Van Gogh painted many irises while hospitalized for his mental illness at Saint Remy. Nominations for the award are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Beth Dees was presented the Iris Award by President Matt Liebenhaut at the affiliate’s 2018 Annual Membership Meeting. “She is truly an icon in the peer support community and I can think of no finer example of someone with a recovery background of paying it forward . . . ” wrote Steve Litherland in his nomination. As a Certified Peer Specialist, she is often recruited to share her personal perspective about the process and promise of recovery for community programs and advocacy efforts. Of note, these presentations include a long history of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) classes for law enforcement officers. She is a founding member and former president of the Big Bend Mental Health Coalition. Professionally, Beth is an instructor for the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), as well as a statewide training course for Peer Specialists.

In August of 2014, Assistant Public Defender Dan Henrickson received the Iris Award in recognition of Dan’s dedicated advocacy for clients with severe and persistent mental illnesses that come before the 2nd circuit court. Additionally, he was recognized for efforts on behalf of veterans in need of legal services at the annual Veteran’s Stand Down, held at the North Florida Fairgrounds. The fairgrounds takes on a military atmosphere as tents and cots are set up for homeless veterans, who live and sleep on the property through the weekend. Veterans receive free access to showers, food, clothing, medical services, legal and mental health services, and job counseling.
Presenting the award is Dick Stephens who represents NAMI-Tallahassee on the County Commission’s Public Safety Committee and Public Defender Nancy Daniels on the occasion of Dan’s retirement. A cash donation was made to The Outlet, a local mental health community center, in Dan’s honor.
Iris Award recipients Judge Jonathan Sjostrom, Court Mental Health Coordinator Kendra Brown and Judge Ronald Flury. The three were recognized for their leadership in implementing and administering the mental health court in Leon County. The ceremony was held in the Leon County Commission Chambers. NAMI-Tallahassee also made a cash contribution to Neighborhood Health Services in the name of the award recipients. Presented December 2011 at a reception in the Leon County Courthouse.

Past Award Recipients:
John Bailey, DO, PA
Hon. Thomas Bateman
Barbara Benda
Ellen K. Berkowitz, MD
Bill Bowers
Mary Bowers
Kendra Brown
Patricia Brown
Peter Debelius-Enmark, MD
Beth Dees, CRPS
Hon. Ron Flury
Sadie Gordon
Joseph Collin Haley
Dan Hendrickson, Esq.
Carl Mahler, MS
Rosalyn Newport-Olson, MSW
Nancy Repplinger, RN
Hon. Jonathan Sjostrom
Debra Spears
Richard Spears
Ines Bragado-Spence, MD
Commissioner Cliff Thael
Tally Ties